Join Music Policy Resilience Network

Now recruiting for Autumn 2024

Who can join?

The Music Policy Resilience Network (the new, expanded Music Policy Resilience Lab) is now open for applications from organizations, institutions, and municipalities worldwide.


‘Thank you, thank you, thank you! The labs and this report have really helped us in our work, providing tools and professionalism, and giving a voice to the grassroots culture movement in Umeå. I can’t stress enough how grateful we are. We’re going to carry all of our new knowledge with us for a long time!’

– Mika Svanbord, Kulturföreningen Humlan, Umeå

What is the benefit to joining?

  • Attendance at six or more online masterclasses with global experts on music ecosystem-related topics as decided by the cohort (e.g. advocacy and lobbying, digital, destination tourism, climate adaptation).

  • One dedicated research project focused on your municipality and its challenges consisting of in‑depth quantitative and qualitative research with local stakeholders, analysis, international best practice case studies and recommendations delivered by the Center for Music Ecosystems.

  • Access to global music policy networks and research.


  • Global exchange, discussion, problem-solving, and ‘twinning’ activities with other members of the cohort from around the world

  • Promotion of your work within the cohort and publicly via the Center for Music Ecosystems’ online channels.

  • Promotion and engagement of your community as part of the Music Ecosystem Builders series.


What we ask of you

  • Your location is not a capital or secondary city – you are somehow an ‘outlier’ due to your remoteness or other challenges. 

  • An open mind and spirit to collaborate with communities all over the world.

  • Your organization/institution/municipality can influence change at policy level – meaning that you can get the outcomes of this work in front of those who need to see it (or you are a policymaker yourself).

  • You are curious, committed to the project, and passionate about developing your music ecosystem. You want this work to be done as much as we do, and you (or a colleague) will be able to dedicate approximately 1.5 days spread out over a 12-month period.

  • Sliding financial scale – $5,000 for cities and towns that can afford to pay, to $0 for least developed countries or others who want to participate but have fiduciary restrictions.

Simply complete the following form and we will be back in touch

For further information, contact us below